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Midlands village dans le district de Moka se trouve entre Grande Rivière Sud Est et la montagne Lagrave. De 1857 à 1864, James Currie acheta des terrains jusqu’à former un domaine de plus de 2000 arpents, comprenant l’ancienne concession de la reine Bety. En 1871, lui et ses associés établiront la sucrerie Midlands qui fut absorbée par Rose Belle au début du 20éme siècle. La culture du thé date de 1956.

Midlands is a village in the district of Moka situated between Grande Rivière Sud Est and the mountain Lagrave. From 1857 to 1864, James Currie bought land to form a property of over 2000 acres, including the old concession of Queen Bety. In 1871, him and his associates established the Midlands sugar estate that was taken over by Rose Belle at the beginning of the 20th century. Tea cultivation started in 1956.

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